Made in America
The US textile manufacturing business has steadily decreased over the years, to the point that in our county alone, the number of textile manufacturers has
dropped from over 25 to two within the past 25 years.
What is the reason for the decline in this industry? Primarily it is the siren song of cheap labor available in Asia. But, while it is true that labor rates
paid in Asia have been unconscionably low, they are actually increasing. Further, the savings promised by using Asian manufacturers are also eroded due to the
extra burden in managing projects from long distances as well as higher transportation costs.
By using an American manufacturer, it is possible to produce better products, with more control over not only the finished product, but also timing of delivery.
If changes in a product are needed, with an American manufacturer, these changes can be made much more efficiently.
P.O. Box 8
339 West Airport Road Cornelia, Georgia